Here is How to Give Some Support to Friends Diagnosed with Cancer – When we heard the news, we may want to visit them immediately or maybe to send an encouraging gift. However, most of us tend to get lost. We don’t know what to do and what to say. According to the experts, the following ways should help you in delivering support without creating bad atmosphere.
• Ask First
Whenever you want to visit, it is important to ask them first. Is it a good time for you to visit or your friend wants some private time? Don’t take it personally when your friend refuses or cancel during last minutes. With this diseases, everything is unpredictable.
• You Need a Phone Team
Just as customer care in online casinos like, you can point someone to keep in touch with your friend. He or she should deliver the update on your friend status and condition to the others. This should help your friend from the obligation to update the circle.
• Some Aid on the Daily Errands
Most people with cancer hesitate to ask for this, but they actually need help in daily basis. You can offer to help in several errands or tasks like doing the laundry, picking up the kids from school, or grocery shopping and babysitting.

• Listen to Your Friend
Diagnosed with cancer, your friend may need someone to talk to. All you need to do is listen without the need to judge or to lead your friend to feel or think in certain way. If you don’t know what to say, this can be a huge help that you can offer.
• Never Compare
In cancer, every person may have different condition and symptoms. When your friend tells you all about it, you shouldn’t compare it. Someone else in your circle may have the same disease, but the entire details can be different. In addition to it, comparing illnesses is never helpful.
Prevent Cancer and Help Cancer Patients
The CancerCare, a Great Association Working in Cancer Issues
Nowadays, there are so many associations which are established in order to deal with cancer issues. One of the best associations in the CancerCare. This association has been organized well and done many successful programs to support cancer survivors and their loved ones. So, here is the explanation of the CancerCare, a great association working in cancer issues.
What is the CancerCare?
This association is committed to giving special attention towards cancer issues is the CancerCare. This association involves professional oncology social workers who are very concerned about providing free emotional and practical support for the people who have cancer, the caregivers, the bereaved, and the loved ones.
The CEO of the CancerCare is Patricia J. Goldsmith. She argues that giving free support services such as what the CareCare does are very important for the people who are affected by cancer and the people in their surroundings.
Various Programs the CancerCare Conducts
There is a counseling service provided by the CancerCare. In this program, the staff of professional oncology social workers will guide people with cancer and their loved ones to manage their emotional and practical actions in dealing with cancer.
Then, there are also support groups in this organization. The support groups are led by the professional oncology social workers. Through the support groups, the people with cancer and their loved ones will be able to connect with other people who have the similar situations so that they can share experiences and meaningful information pertaining to cancer issues.
The more attractive service that this organization provides is connecting education workshops. Such workshops refer to the one-hour workshops conducted by the CancerCare to listen in live by telephone or online applications. Through such workshops, the experts of cancer will have a medium to provide up-to-date and depth information pertaining to cancer issues.
Furthermore, the records of the past workshops will be able to be listened by accessing this website of this organization. It would be better to now deep information about cancer issues as early as can. Besides, there are also several publications released by this organization. The products are written by oncology experts. All of the publications are in the form of fact sheets and easy-to-read booklets. The information included in those publications is very reliable, complete, and also up-to-date.
That is the information about the CancerCare, a great association working in cancer issues. The number of such association needs to be increased in the future.
Living with Cancer
Are you diagnosed with cancer? Do you feel like your life ends after you hear the news? Don’t be! There are more than 10 million people in this world who are fighting with cancer and rather than giving up, fight against it! Here are several things that will motivate you if you are living with cancer.
Living with Cancer is not a Blessing
Cancer is a terrifying disease that will change your life completely. If you are thinking that living with cancer is such a blessing, don’t! When you think that way, you will be likely to give up on the situation and you won’t try your best to beat cancer.
When you hear the diagnosis for the first time, you need to try your best to know more about it. Ask as many questions as you can and find the best doctor who can help your treatment. You also need to pay attention to your lifestyle and find the best diet plan for you. Remember to always do your best to fight cancer instead of just sitting back and accepting your fate.
Get Supports
Living with cancer can be very scary and you need others to help you to keep you sane. Getting love from family and friends might not be enough, and the best thing to do is to talk to other people with cancer since they will understand what you feel better.
Read Motivational Stories of Cancer Survivors
Cancer is actually not a deadly disease once you can do your best in fighting it. There are always chances to survive and some people with cancer have proven it. To lift up your spirit, you can read the motivational stories from those cancer survivors, like from blogs.
One of the best blogs that will motivate you to fight against cancer is Blog for a Cure. In this blog, you will find more than 6000 members who are in a battle with their cancer. You can also find the members who have successfully beat cancer. Through this blog, you can share all of your fear and worries here and other members will do the same. You will find that you are not alone in this world and you still have a chance to be free from cancer.
Living with cancer can feel bad at first. But, you cannot lose hope and live your life the most as your battle against cancer.
Inspirational Blogs About Cancer Survivors to Get More Hope
Do you know what else can help cancer survivors to keep fighting the disease besides medication? Support from the family will definitely help. Also, other people inspirational stories, also can burn the spirit up. If you in need of this kind of inspirations, you should check these inspirational blogs about cancer survivors.
– – Treating Yourself
This blog has articles about motivation and self-medication. In the article of Treating Yourself, the writer of this blog wants to share a method that can help cancer survivors while dealing with a long process of medication.
Sometimes, the root of the disease is not within the body but within the mind. It can be caused by the personal problem that affects the mind and emotional state of somebody, including cancer disease. So, emotional healing can be suitable as the treatment. This healing method can be a perfect treatment to do, along with the medication process.
This blog, especially this article will explain this kind of method of healing in detail. If you are interested, you can read the article. Who knows that this kind of treatment is suitable for you.
Similar to the previous blog, this blog also talks about motivation. People with a chronic disease such as cancer, may feel sad or down when the doctor diagnoses him but this motivation article that tells about a story of brain cancer patient maybe can be a motivation.
The patient said that emotion is an important aspect of healing, so he tried to be happy all of the time. He also tried to be calm when he knows that he has a cancer disease. Not only that, but he also says that he did the activities just as usual, just like if he didn’t have such deathly disease. He just tried to maintain a healthier life cycle, such as doing sports and having enough time to get a rest.
He also emphasised that positive thought is something that people should keep in mind. A positive thought that he could be recovered from brain cancer and can be healthy, should be had by cancer survivors. So, they can keep their life spirit high so their life expectancy will be increased too.
Those inspirational blogs about cancer survivors will definitely help cancers survivors to stay strong and keep doing the medication. They will also bring the hopes that people who diagnosed with cancer can survive and be recovered. Keep believing!
Motivational Stories of Cancer Survivors, Lit Your Spirit Up!
Being down because of diagnosed having cancer or there is a family member who diagnosed with cancer? If you want to survive and get recovered, you should read some of these motivational stories of cancer survivors. Just don’t let your hope vanished.
Indah, Social Workers in Yogyakarta
Indah is a social worker in a women organization in Yogyakarta. She always helps many women to be independent and strong. However, she was diagnosed by the doctor that she has ovarian cancer, after experiencing some signs such as the stomach growing big and easily tired. She was down at that time, moreover when the doctor said that the ovarian should be taken. Indah did not want to do the operation which was suggested by the doctor and chose to have alternative medication.
She did the alternative medication for several years with no better result. Then she decided to have the operation and also did other medication suggestions for a cancer patient. Then, five years after diagnosed by the doctor, she was fully recovered and passed the laboratory test of cancer. Now, she can continue her work as social workers and she also helps other cancer survivors to fight their diseases. She also becomes the chairperson of a cancer foundation for Yogyakarta area.
Emi, Lymph Node Cancer Survivor
Lymph node cancer is well known as aggressive cancer and it spreads rapidly. Many lymph node cancer survivors feel down after knowing that they have this kind of cancer, but not for Emi. She was diagnosed with lymph node cancer when she was 32. In the beginning, she met three doctors and three of them diagnosed her with breast cancer. However, Emi didn’t believe them and go to the fourth doctor who diagnosed him with lymph node cancer.
After that, Emi did all of the medication to get rid cancer for two years. She did the operation and also the chemo. She never gave up because she believed that she can be recovered. She fought the disease with the help of her family who never stopped to cheer her up. Finally, after a long journey and fight, Emi could pass the laboratory test and she recovered.
Read and share these motivational stories of cancer survivors. They can light your spirit up so you can fight your disease. Help other cancer survivors to never give up on any situation, just like them in these stories. Don’t forget that miracle does exist.