Nowadays, there are so many associations which are established in order to deal with cancer issues. One of the best associations in the CancerCare. This association has been organized well and done many successful programs to support cancer survivors and their loved ones. So, here is the explanation of the CancerCare, a great association working in cancer issues.
What is the CancerCare?
This association is committed to giving special attention towards cancer issues is the CancerCare. This association involves professional oncology social workers who are very concerned about providing free emotional and practical support for the people who have cancer, the caregivers, the bereaved, and the loved ones.
The CEO of the CancerCare is Patricia J. Goldsmith. She argues that giving free support services such as what the CareCare does are very important for the people who are affected by cancer and the people in their surroundings.
Various Programs the CancerCare Conducts
There is a counseling service provided by the CancerCare. In this program, the staff of professional oncology social workers will guide people with cancer and their loved ones to manage their emotional and practical actions in dealing with cancer.
Then, there are also support groups in this organization. The support groups are led by the professional oncology social workers. Through the support groups, the people with cancer and their loved ones will be able to connect with other people who have the similar situations so that they can share experiences and meaningful information pertaining to cancer issues.
The more attractive service that this organization provides is connecting education workshops. Such workshops refer to the one-hour workshops conducted by the CancerCare to listen in live by telephone or online applications. Through such workshops, the experts of cancer will have a medium to provide up-to-date and depth information pertaining to cancer issues.
Furthermore, the records of the past workshops will be able to be listened by accessing this website of this organization. It would be better to now deep information about cancer issues as early asĀ can. Besides, there are also several publications released by this organization. The products are written by oncology experts. All of the publications are in the form of fact sheets and easy-to-read booklets. The information included in those publications is very reliable, complete, and also up-to-date.
That is the information about the CancerCare, a great association working in cancer issues. The number of such association needs to be increased in the future.